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Re: Use Cases and RM-ODP

> I cant quite think of a convincing answer. Perhaps somebody can help.
> Where, in the the five viewpoints of RM-ODP, does the UseCase model best
> fit?

As far as I understand the use case model approach, you can fit it anywhere you
want as long gas you can come up with useful use cases.

Just a reminder: "Use-case diagrams provide a way of describing the external
view of the system and its interactions with the outside world." And further:
"You should use them any time you want to understand the requirements of your

Use cases can be employed in any view where there is any sort of interaction.
It's clear that in the enterprise view, you can employ use cases to illustrate
some aspects of workflow. When you work with the computational view, use cases
are also useful because they help to show how and in what sequence different
services and components interact via corresponding interfaces. You can play
several scenarios here. In the engineering view, it is important to have use
cases in order to show how different transparencies are achieved.

It looks like use cases modeling is a tool that can be employed when-ever you
think it is useful for your work to "play" some hypothetical scenarios.

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