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4.2.5 Is it necessary to secure naming service?


Andre Srinivasan
(July, 1998)16: It depends what you're doing.

If you're concerned about authentication, your DNS lookup was not secure and it would give you confidence you were talking to the right name server. On the otherhand, the client could have a list of trust points (certificates) to compare the identity presented by servers against, and a rogue name service will not be able to direct you to a rogue target.

If you're concerned about privacy when communicating with the name service, someone could snoop the wire waiting for you to contact the name service and then watch where you go next. I would therefore argue that your privacy would be compromised anyway (with respect to the TCP association).

Nick Battle
(July, 1998)17: We went round the houses discussing the issue about security of name services (but based on a CSI-ECMA protocol). In the end, we decided that a CORBA name service (actually our Trader service) couldn't sensibly be (CORBA) secured. It came down to bootstrap problems, such as not being able to secure the connection to the Trader to get trustworthy object references for the Authentication and Privilege (logon) services until you'd already logged on etc.

I realise an SSL based scheme might well be different in this respect, since an SSL client is more autonomous (not requiring the services of external objects in order to obtain Credentials, true?). But I'm not really sure about this ... hence the question 7.5.12.

I think that [ed: securing naming server] is not just an option, but a REQUIREMENT on clients, unless they can otherwise obtain a secure source of object references. Clients that don't do this can assume nothing about the true identity of the target - eg. whether data returned is trustworthy, or whether effects they believe they have produced have actually occurred. And this is true EVEN if they turn on EstablishTrustInTarget, which is particularly frightening.

If this is true, I think the consequences should be made much more visible to application writers. For example, one consequence is that security UNAWARE applications - those that can't call get_security_names and check them - MUST operate on a trusted source of object references, since they can't check security names for themselves.

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